Company Name: | sonic services |
Phone: | 770-844-1580 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Address 1: | 408 pirkle ferry road |
Address 2: | |
City: | cumming |
State: | GA |
Zip: | 30040 |
Position Title: | sales/ marketing |
Number of Openings: | 1 |
Position Type: | Other |
Position Type Other Description: | |
Start Date: | |
Duties: | |
Experience Required: | sales marketing for termite and pest control company servicing all of atlanta and north georgia |
Wage or Salary: | sales |
| 12.00 |
Approximate Work Hours or Days: | Per Hour |
| 8 |
How to apply: | Hours |
Posting End Date: | contact office at 770-844-1580 |